Friday, 2 October 2015

Hackers Spreading New Router Malware That Actually Makes Routers More Secure

router-malware-linux-fiwatchShort Bytes: Linux.Wifatch not only prevents further attacks from router malware, it also shows a message telling the people to change passwords and update the firmware.

When you combine the two words router and malware, the end result is just scary. Commonly router malware sneaks into your network and deploys attacks on your systems. Hacked home routers are used often for distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks and they flood the servers with tons of traffic.

However, a new kind of vigilante malware is in the town that fights the other infections and encourages the users to update their passwords. According to a new report from the security firm Symantec, a new bug Linux.Wifatch is spreading like a regular virus and goes undetected.

The virus is spread like a regular malware and stays up to date on virus definitions using its peer-to-peer network. This bug affects the Linux-based routers and deletes any detected malware and cut off the vulnerable channels that could help in a future malware attack.

Also read: Top 10 Best Ways to Improve Your Wi-Fi Router’s Performance

The Linux.Wifatch is currently affecting about 10,000 routers and making them more secure.

Linux.Wifatch not only prevents further attacks from router malware, it also shows a message telling the people to change passwords and update the firmware.


Symantec, in a blog post, suspects some “white hat” hacker might be behind the malware.

Another reason why this could be the work of a vigilante as the source code includes a famous statement from free-software icon Richard Stallman: “To any NSA or FBI agents reading this: please consider whether defending the US constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden’s example.”


Instead of serving a good purpose, Linux.Wifatch infects your system without your consent. So, don’t rely on a malware to clean your system, keep the device firmware up to date and use strong passwords.

You can also visit fossBytes’ guide to prevent your WiFi router from hacking attacks.

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