Friday, 18 December 2020

UBports Announces Ubuntu Touch OTA-15 With F(x)tec Phone Support

After Ubuntu Touch OTA-12, OTA-13, and OTA-14 this year, the UBports team has now announced the release of its fifteenth stable Over-The-Air (OTA) update called Ubuntu Touch OTA-15.

As usual, the new OTA means Ubuntu Touch OS will support for more new mobile devices and brings number of improvements. Let’s see what it has to offer:

Ubuntu Touch OTA-15: What’s New?

Starting with new device support, it includes Google Pixel 3a, OnePlus Two, F(x)tec Pro1/Pro1-X, Xiaomi Redmi Note 7, and Samsung Galaxy Note 4.

Subsequently, you can now install Ubuntu Touch on these devices using the UBports Installer and have a “Stable” update channel as well for OTA software update.

Furthermore, the Morph web browser has received refinements to its user interface with a shiny new icon. With a redesigned tab switching interface, you can now swipe up from the bottom of the screen to switch tabs.

Continuing to improve support for Android 9 devices, OTA-15 has also fixed important bugs for problems such as popping sounds or dropping of audio frequently, Volla Phone‘s front camera picture rotation, and sending USSD codes.

Among other fixes, Ubuntu Touch OTA-15 includes Nuntium MMS error reporting, and support for dialling calls from Bluetooth devices.

With OTA-15, the UBports team has also again declared that the next OTA-16 might upgrade Qt toolkit from the current version 5.9 to a new 5.12 in order to improve app startup time and memory use.

Not just Qt toolkit, but the team has also decided to migrate from Ubuntu 16.04 LTS base to the latest Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. However, it’s not exactly clear about the transition of Ubuntu Touch base system.

How To Upgrade To OTA-15?

The OTA-15 update will be available next week for supported Ubuntu Touch devices such as Volla Phone, F(x)tec Pro1/Pro1 X, LG Nexus 4 and 5, OnePlus One, FairPhone 2, Xiaomi Redmi 4X, OnePlus 3, and 3T.

If you already have Ubuntu Touch on your mobile system, you can easily receive the OTA-15 upgrade from “Stable Channel” available in System Settings -> Updates -> Update Settings -> Channels.

However, if you want to update your OS immediately, you can turn on ADB access and issue the following command over adb shell:

sudo system-image-cli -v -p 0 --progress dots

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